Foods To Steer Clear Of If You Have Anxiety

foods that cause anxiety

Garbage in is garbage out. Unhealthy food cannot just impact you physically, it can also affect your brain and moods. Studies say that some foods can make us feel calmer and some can act as stimulants. If suffer from stress and anxiety, try to make some changes to your diet. Include foods that will stave off anxiety, and avoid foods that cause anxiety.

Foods That Cause Anxiety


This one can be incredibly difficult if you are hooked to your daily cup (or cups) of coffee/tea. Some people drink caffeinated beverages to boost their energy levels. Caffeine has been reported to suppress the levels of serotonin in the brain. When serotonin levels are inhibited, you may feel depressed and irritable. Caffeine is also a diuretic which means drinking coffee will make you go to the bathroom more. Dehydration can cause depression and anxiety Caffeine also keeps you awake, which can lead to stress and anxiety. When you are not able to sleep well, you feel jumpy and anxious.

foods that cause anxiety


Alcohol can lead to mood swings and anxiety. Alcohol affects the nervous system and even your heart rate. Do not give in to temptations to have alcohol, and make it a resolution to quit drinking it today.

Sugary Foods

Desserts seem to make everything better, right? That’s the thing. Sugar just temporarily makes you feel better. In the long run, sugar only harms your mental and physical health. Sugar actually makes your bad mood worse. Sugar causes a spike and drop in blood sugar levels. This can be disastrous for your mood. Huge swings in blood sugar levels can increase adrenaline and cortisol levels, which can lead to panic attacks.

foods to avoid anxiety

Also Read: Foods That Give You Quick Energy

Trans Fat

Trans fat, also called hydrogenated fat, are neither good for your health nor for your mood. Trans fat, found in some junk foods such as french fries, packaged snacks, and candies, increases the risk of depression. A study examined the brains of rats and concluded that regular consumption of trans fat can lead to anxiety in the long run.


Even some people not suffering from the Celiac Disease can have an intolerance to gluten which can lead to anxiety attacks and panic. If you suffer from anxiety disorders, quitting gluten can improve mental health. People with gluten sensitivities are more at a risk to feel anxious after eating wheat products. If you suffer from anxiety, try removing gluten from your diet for a week or two, and see how your brain reacts to that.foods that cause anxiety

Also Read: All You Need To Know About Gluten Free Diet

Artificial Sweeteners

Artificial sweeteners can also increase your risk of depression. Aspartame, the common ingredient found in products such diet soda, inhibits the production of the neurotransmitter serotonin. This can result in neuro maladies like insomnia, headaches, changes in mood and depression.

Fast Food

Are burgers and fries our comfort food? Think again. Fast food can harm your mental and physical health. According to a study, people who consume fast food are 51 percent more likely to have depression than people who don’t. Eating out at a fast food joint now and then won’t cause a problem, but regular consumption of fast food can lead you towards depression and anxiety. foods that cause anxiety

Processed Foods

Processed foods are full of additives and preservatives. Refined flours and sugars feed the microbes and harmful bacteria in the gut. Gut health is a big contributor to chronic anxiety. A lot of mood disorders can be treated by increasing the number of good bacteria in your gut.

processed food anxiety


Soft drinks are full of sugar. They also have artificial food coloring and additives. Aspartame is also one of the most common ingredients found in things such as diet soda and chewing gum. Apart from blocking the production of serotonin in your brain, Aspartame can also give you headaches, anxiety, insomnia, and mood swings. So next time you pick up a diet twice, keep all these things in mind.

Store Bought Food Juice

Store bought beverages are packed with sugar, even the juices. There are 3 types of sugar: sucrose, glucose, and fructose. Fructose is the sugar found in fruits and vegetables and is also added to fruit juices. Our body only processes fructose in the liver and it is not the body’s energy source of choice. You do not absorb that much fructose when eating fruits and vegetables because of the fiber. When there is no fiber to accompany fructose, you may overconsume it. So next time you crave a juice, make some at home!

High Sodium Foods

Most foods that claim to be fat-free, are usually high in sugar and sodium. An excess of sodium in your diet can negatively impact the body’s neurological system, resulting in fatigue and damaging the immune system. Overconsumption of sodium may lead to weight gain, high blood pressure, and water retention. Salt is required for maintaining good health but an excess of it can trigger panic attacks and lead you towards depression and anxiety.

Take care of your mental and physical health to lead a happy and peaceful life. Do not let short-term temptations make you pay a price in the long run. You may give in to temptation once in a blue moon, but on regular days try to avoid foods that cause anxiety.

Which food is your comfort food? Let us know in the comments below!

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