Is not it the most important thing in the world? Getting the very best and most perfect picture for your display picture. Whether you are fat, or have pimples or look older then you really are? All the imperfections need to be corrected not for a picture to be sent to your boyfriends but just to get the best selfie or normal photo that is good enough to be your perfect display picture on your social media.

Getting the perfect display picture is very important. It is your introduction to the big bad world of the social media. A picture is more than a thousand words and that is so true for the profile pictures. It is your first impressions and of course as we all know first impressions can be lasting and even life long.

So here are 10 great tips and tricks to get the perfect display picture

The Secret behind Perfect Display Picture

  1. Proper Lightings

For a picture to be great there must be good lighting where you are standing and taking a picture. Most photos are taken from mobile phone camera these days. Although there is flash in the mobile hendset camera, it is not that strong as compared to a DSLR or even a good digital camera. Besides even the best flash cannot have as good energy as a proper natural light. However if there is too much light the picture will still not look nice. And if you standing wrong way in the sun the picture will get all white. So before taking a picture intended to be your display pic stand in a place with a good lighting.

perfect display picture

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  1. Clean the background

Background is very important for the picture. Make sure that you choose a background that is neat and clean. A cluttered room or a sink full of dirty dishes must not show in your picture’s background. It will look very bad and distracting, which takes us to the second thing we need to see about the background. A background must be a background. It should not take away all the limelight from your picture in the photo. Thirdly make sure that there is not a clash of colors between yourself and the background. For example if you are wearing red, it will be good is you are standing near a rose bush but if you are standing in front of a red car or a red painted wall chances are that you will look as the part of the wall.

perfect display picture

  1. Choose your clothing carefully

Make sure that the clothes you are wearing are decent and nice. Remember that the display picture is for the world. That includes your future employer, your family, your in laws and your parents. So it is better that you avoid provocative or seductive clothing. Wearing revealing clothes in your dp will make you seem like a person desperate for attention. Also nowadays perspective employers do check the social media of the candidates to make a much informed decision. So it is better safe than sorry thing.

  1. Practice your pose a little

First pose in front of the mirror. You can practice how you look. Look at yourself from sitting, standing and side pose for the perfect display picture, when you have a good collection of your poses you can choose the best one for your display picture. Choose where you look smart and slim.

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  1. Group Pictures Vs Individual Selfies

You can choose to have a group photo as your display pic or the individual pic of yourself. Usually the display picture is shown as a thumbnail size unless someone clicks on it. So people in the group would not be very clear in your small display picture. But still sometimes one does want to have a picture of entire group in the picture so for that crop the picture to eliminate the background and just focus on the people. There is no point of including a large group in the display picture. No one would be clear. You can upload the picture of a large group as the cover photo on Facebook or you can upload it as is.

perfect display picture

  1. Make a lasting first impression

As told earlier too, the display picture helps in making the first impression. In order to make a lasting first impression the best strategy is to be yourself. There is no need to go over the top. Some young adults would go to extreme heights to get the perfect display picture. They would take hundreds of pictures and then would spend hours applying one filter after another trying to get the perfect look without being fully satisfied ever. This is not the right thing to do. It just shows how vain you are. A natural click of a smiling face is always good enough and it does not require any filter with it.

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  1. Do not over fret

By now we all have heard and seen on the news how going a bit too far with the selfie craze can land you into big trouble. People have literally died while trying to get that perfect selfie and it has not been a one time incident. Many times it has happened. So do not fall victim to that kind of lure. Just be yourself. And believe me when I say that it will be quite enough.

perfect display picture

Getting a perfect display picture is really not that hard. It is us who make it more difficult. The more you will fret about it the more difficult it will be for you to get the perfect look. So just relax and take a nice and casual picture.

So have you ever have jitters about your display picture and how far would you go to get the perfect click? Do you use any image editing apps or filters to get the perfect display picture? Let us know by commenting below.

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