The scorching summer heat is on a respite these days in most areas of world. It is the start of the rainy season especially in the Asian countries where the monsoons lash the cities with cold showers. The rainy season comes in different months in different parts of the world. Some places it is in July and August and in other it may be October or November. Whichever time of the year it may be, it is the season that people enjoy a lot. But there are some rainy season problems as well that need to be taken into account and some precautions are there to prevent the rainy season problems.

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Rainy season problems and precautions

Rainy season problems

Rainy season brings with itself a lot of joy and festivity. Rain cheers up people’s moods. It gives them a respite from harsh hot or cold weathers and brings about cool breeze and a clean and fresh atmosphere. The rainy season problems are not because of nature but usually caused by manmade issues that cannot handle this beautiful natural phenomenon.

Here are some rainy season problems that are commonly faced by people in the season and precautions that need to be taken to avoid any mishaps because of rain.

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Cleanliness in the rainy season

Rainy season problems

Different bacteria and viruses become active in the rainy season. Because rain falls on the garbage heaps too, this gives rise to bacteria that are then carried forward by insects like flies, moths or even butterflies. So it becomes difficult to control common diseases like coughs and flu in rainy season. Stomach flu also becomes common in the rainy season. In worst cases cholera and dysentery can also be spread.

How to take care of health in rainy season

Cleanliness is the key in order to have a healthy rainy season. Before the beginning of the rainy season, all the garbage heaps and dumps must be removed. There must be active cleaning measures taken in order to prevent the spread of diseases. There must also be proper garbage disposal and the bins and dumps must be emptied every day. In a clean environment, spread of diseases can be minimized to a great extend.

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Drainage of rainy water

Rainy season problems

Another thing that can cause dangerous mosquitoes to breed in causing malaria and dengue is the stagnant water. There must be measures taken to drain the rain water immediately. Start from your household. Check if there is any water caught up in pots or any other container near or around your home. Even in small quantity stagnant water is dangerous and an active breeding ground for mosquitoes.

Electrical safety during rainy season

Rainy season problems

Water is a good conductor of electricity. In rainy season open plugs and switches become much more dangerous. Never use exposed, frayed, cracked or faulty wires. Such wires should not be used in any season, but in rainy season a single touch to such wires can send you to the hospital. The power points must be switched off before plugging and unplugging devices. If an electrical appliance breaks down, do no try to open and mend it on your own. Take it to professional people who can mend them.

Before the start of the rainy season, ask a professional electrician to inspect all your switches and electrical appliances. Never touch the switches and plugs with wet hands and feet. Also never overload the power plugs.

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Keep your body clean

Rainy season problems

Earlier we have stressed upon cleanliness of the environment. Equally important is the cleanliness of your body. Wash your hands regularly. If you come from outside then washing hands is necessary. Take baths regularly and every day. The flu virus enter the body through eyes, nose and mouth. Whenever you are sweaty, clean the sweat with a handkerchief and avoid using hands, same is the case with your nose. If you are drenched in rain, it is strongly advisable that you take a shower. Wash your hair with shampoo and clean your body with soap.

Avoid street food in the rainy season

Rainy season problems

Rainy season is not the good season to enjoy street food. Because the bacteria causing insects might be sitting on it. Houseflies and other bacteria causing insects might be sitting on street food if it is left uncovered. It can cause series diseases if such food is consumed by people. That is why such street food must be avoided in the winter season.

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Driving in heavy rains precautions

Rainy season problems

Some precautions must be taken while driving in heavy rains. Have rain vipers checked once before the start of the rainy season. Drive slowly to avoid skidding on the water. Slow driving is necessary in order to avoid splashing water on pedestrians and other cars. The view is marred under the lashing of heavy rains against the windshield so keep the headlights open and drive very carefully.

Safety precautions in home during the rainy season

Rainy season problems

Many rainy season problems sprout up during the rainy season. Here are some checks that you need to make in order to avoid rainy season problems in the homes.

  • Before the start of rainy season check the roofs for leaks and drips.
  • Make sure that there is no danger of water flooding your home.
  • Make sure that if you have antennas on the roofs, it is water proof.
  • Don’t leave other expensive or important stuff outside that will go bad in the rain.
  • It is highly recommended to start constructions and repairs after or before the rainy season. During the rainy season the foundations laid for construction are not concrete enough. onlayn kazino If you end up being unable to avoid construction during rainy season

On one hand the beautiful rainy season brings a lot of joy and happiness however on the other hand there are rainy season problems that come with it. However it is best to take rainy season precautions to avoid all the hassles. In this way you can enjoy the rainy season without having to worry about the rainy season problems.

Have you ever faced the rainy season problems? Let us know what are the rainy seasons problems that you have faced and what measures you take to avoid them.

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