Home Fashion Angelina Jolie spotted wearing Salwar Kameez

Angelina Jolie spotted wearing Salwar Kameez

angelina jolie wearing shalwar kameez - salwar kameez

Wondering what is Shalwar Kameez?

Well, Shalwar kameez or Salwar Kameez is a national dress of Pakistan (Pakistan is one of a leading ISLAMIC REPUBLIC country in an Asian side). In Pakistan most of the noble family’s women feel proud in caring shalwar kameez in their daily life as it’s very comfortable, not shows off vulgarity and very easy to wear all day long. It shows a great ethnic touch of Asian women. It usually carries out in a traditional way, Kameez which is the shirt is up to knees and shalwar or salwar as a trouser in common language.

Aangelina Jolie looks splendour in Salwar Kameez

You must have heard before that Angelina possesses a very soft corner for the peoples of Asia. She has got a very great kind nature towards humanity and culture acceptance. Here I’m going to show a gallery of some amazing photos of Angelina Jolie wearing salwar kameez on a visit to Pakistan after a disastrous earthquake made huge mass destruction in most of the region of Pakistan. She even helped Pakistan by all of the strength she had.

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Aangelina Jolie a symbol of peach in Shalwar Kameez

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Gorgeously beautiful Angelina Jolie and her visit to Pakistan showing great respect by caring SALWAR KAMEEZ as a symbol of peace and humanity to the world. Being celebrity having great recognition across word but still showing respect to the other part of the world which has been neglected by most of the peoples in power shows her high stature and soft heart.

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Gorgeous white beauty in black Shalwar Kameez

It must admit that she has got a great sense of caring all type of traditional dresses with a perfect dressing style according to the sad event happened before her visit.

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angelina jolie wearing shalwar kameez - blue salwar kameez with childerns

She is the women of courage with love and strong polite feelings for others, how cute she looks in shalwar kameez. Sitting on the floor with a very ordinary boy having no attitude at all it’s all she is known for.

angelina jolie wearing shalwar kameez - salwar kameez with childerns

The style she has, is one of a symbol of classic attitude with soft heart. Again she has been spotted in wearing Salwar kameez with a pair of chapal (slippers) very common in Pakistan.

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angelina jolie wearing shalwar kameez - salwar kameez and visiting Pakistan

Another place she was spotted wearing salwar kameez a whole black cotton cloth is very essential for any girl who think she wanna look exactly like her.angelina jolie wearing shalwar kameez - salwar kameez and sitting on charpai

She is sitting with a very old age women on charpai (traditional woven bed with four legs) with a great smile and beautiful appearance in shalwar kameez. No words for her beauty.

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angelina jolie wearing shalwar kameez - salwar kameez and shaking hands with former prime minister of Paksitan

As she has shown her polite nature towards ordinary peoples and simple communities in Pakistan but here she also shows an elegant sophisticated appearance in shalwar kameez shaking hand with a former prime minister of Pakistan.

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Women of courage in SHALWAR KAMEEZ

This is all what i believe one of a great kind of her gesture toward humanity. Share and comment if you like Angelina Jolie in Salwar Kameez.

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More Pictures of Angelina Jolie in Salwar Kameez

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  1. Salwar kameez is one of the most sophisticated and popular outfit in ethnic clothing. Suits embellished with stones and embroidery for weddings and suits made of cotton with subtle colors are perfect for formal wear.

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