10 Reasons To Switch To A Korean Beauty Routine

korean beauty routine

Korean beauty, or K-beauty as it is often called, has taken the world by storm. Korean beauty products have flooded the beauty aisles the world over and for all the right reasons! Korean beauty is all about achieving a glowing, flawless skin. It centers around gentle and natural products which treat, heal and rejuvenate the skin without irritating it. Korean women are very serious about skin care and they are taught about all the basics since an early age. However, does that mean you should also switch to a Korean beauty routine? We would say yes! After all, if something is making waves all around the world, there might be some reasons behind it. Read on to find out why you should adopt a Korean beauty routine today!

Reasons To Follow A Korean Beauty Routine

  1. Everyone Is Doing Itkorean beauty routine

We normally advise anyone to follow fads, but K-beauty is here to stay! If Korean products have taken the world by storm, it clearly indicates that they work. If you need more reasons, you can check out different beauty forums and review websites where consumers cannot stop singing praises of K-beauty products. You can look up reviews for Korean beauty products and you will find testimonies from thousands of people who say that adopting a Korean beauty routine has transformed their skin. So, we definitely would like to try their word for it and adopt a Korean beauty routine to see if it will work for us too!

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2. Holistic Approachkorean beauty routine

Unlike the Western skincare approach, Korean beauty takes a holistic one. It is about understanding what your skin really needs. It lays great emphasis on layering hydration which prevents damage from harmful UV rays, pollution, and environmental factors. For instance, K-beauty junkies will advise you to never forget a toner and they are absolutely right. Toner is the first step towards hydration. It balances the pH level of your skin, absorbs into your skin really fast, hydrates the skin, and prepares it to absorb additional skin care products. On the other hand, toners are used as an astringent in the Western world and often skipped.

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3. Active Ingredients

A Korean beauty routine lays emphasis on layering thin layers of active ingredients to achieve a flawless and glowing skin. Some people think that Korean skin is multi-step and very complicated but it isn’t true! You don’t have to follow 7 or 10 steps every single day. You should create a routine which suits your skin. As a general rule, begin with double cleansing, follow with a toner, an essence or a serum, and a moisturizer to hydrate your skin. After that, you can proceed to additional skin care as needed and use ampoules, sheet masks, and additional serums. It all depends on what your skin needs.

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4. Natural Ingredientskorean beauty routine

Korean beauty products contain natural ingredients. It follows in the footsteps of women of the olden days who used natural ingredients to beautify themselves. For instance red beans, rice, Camila, kelp, fermented grains, and tea tree oil. Apart from that, Korean beauty also incorporates scientific ingredients like hyaluronic acids and ceramides.

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5. Deep Cleansingkorean beauty routine

A very integral part of the Korean beauty routine is double cleansing. The first step is to use an oil cleanser to wash away oil based makeup and then a foaming cleanser to wash away the remaining dirt and grime. It is crucial to deep cleanse your skin so it can better absorb other skin care products. Toning is also an important step as it sloughs away any remaining traces of dirt and grime and is the firs step of hydration too. By following the 7 skin method, you can achieve a naturally glowing skin.

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6. Innovation

K-beauty has really transformed the beauty world! For instance, South Korea is the country that gave us the light weight BB cream which we could use in the place of heavy foundations. Similarly, cushion compacts were also introduced by Korea. Another example is the emollient sleeping packs which you can go to bed with! K-beauty is really transforming the beauty landscape.

Also Read: This Is How You Should Cleanse For A Flawless Skin!

7. Affordabilitykorean beauty routine

We all want to look beautiful on a budget and K-beauty understands that! Korean women are really demanding and they want nothing but the best so Korean beauty companies invest a lot in R&D. So, the K-beauty market is highly competitive which helps to keep quality up and prices down. Win-win?

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8. Funkorean beauty routine

The first time I saw sheet masks, they looked so fun to me! The Korean beauty routine is relaxing and pampering. With the multi step skin regimen you get a lot of me time. In fact, some in the K-beauty industry have even come up with the term ‘skintertainment’ as K-beauty is actually fun to follow!

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9. Best Products

Some of the best beauty products in the market right now are Korean. They are effective and they work. And the main reason behind is that Korean companies actually try to address the consumers and develop products according to market demand. For instance, they have so many types of masks in the market such as sheet masks, foil masks, in-shower masks, and double-layer masks!

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10. Preventivekorean beauty routine

Koreans believe in preventive skin care. They are proactive and don’t wait for an issue to appear before defending themselves from it. For instance, Koreans start using an eye cream at 18. They don’t wait for wrinkles to appear before starting to use anti-aging products. Korean products are also mild and free of unnecessary add ons such as perfume.

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Need any more reasons to adopt a Korean beauty routine? I don’t think so! So what are you waiting for? Grab some Korean beauty products according to your skin type today!

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Do you follow the Korean beauty routine? Share your favorite K beauty products with us in the comments below!

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